Australian Domains


A domain name is your online address, that identifies your website on the internet. Businesses often register multiple domains to protect their brand and either build websites on each of them or redirect the domains to the relevant product or service.

Registering a domain name is a quick and easy process with Passion Computing and we provide free domain name forwarding (both framed and standard), free DNS services and free online management with all domain name registrations, so you can use your domain, anyway you want to use it. Backed by our wholesale partner, who is the largest domain name registrar in Australia, we provide personalized support at an affordable price.

We also provide competitively priced Web Hosting with the option to use Gsuites or add on Office365 for your business email.

Use or online search to find available domains in real time, complete your order and you will receive a Certificate of Registration and Tax Invoice.


Australian domains

Australian domain names have eligibility rules and you need to meet the registration requirements in order to register Australian domains. Please see the table below to ensure you meet the requirements to register an Australian domain name. Each domain name extension has its own eligibility rules.

 Domain Type    Domain Extension Price (2 years)
Company or business domain names

For commercial entities, such as companies (with ACN as registered through ASIC), and businesses (registered with state governments), trademark holders, trademark applicants.

Same registration requirements as

.au  AU$75


Company or business domain names


For commercial entities, such as companies (with ACN as registered through ASIC), and businesses (registered with state governments), trademark holders, trademark applicants. registration requirements AU $75
 Company or business domain name

For commercial entities, such as companies (with ACN as registered through ASIC), and businesses (registered with Australian State governments). trademark holders, trademark applicants. registration requirements  AU $75
 Organisation domain name

For charities and non-profit organizations is for incorporated non for profit organisations. See registration requirements for more information  AU $38
 Association domain name

For unincorporated associations, political parties, trade unions, sporting and special interest clubs that are not incorporated. registration requirements   AU $44
 Personal domain name

For individuals residing in Australia. Does NOT require an ABN, ACN, BN certificate. See registration requirements for more information.  AU $44


Register New Domains

Transfer Existing Domains


You can also read

Starting a New Business in Australia

Foreign Companies Registering AU domains


Why register Australian domain names ?

If you want to market your business or organisation to Australians, then buying an Australian domain name, ideally a or domain name is a the right choice. Many businesses use a because it is easier for people to remember. They also choose to register both a .com and , so that people who inadvertently forget to type the .au will be redirected automatically to the correct website. The other benefit of an Australian domain name is that your website will be included in the Australian search results for Google, Yahoo, Bing and MSN and other search engines.

Registering Multiple domains

If you are registering an Australian domain name, it is also a good idea to register the corresponding .com or .net domain. If you don't register the corresponding .com domain name, someone else may and this may be one of your competitors, who can use the domain name to direct traffic to their website. Don't think that it won't happen to your business. Many businesses have found that the .com version of their domain name has been bought by one of their competitors. Sure, you can take legal action but you may not win and hiring a lawyer is not cheap.

.com and .net domains are bought on a first come basis, and it is much easier to protect your trademark and company name by buying the .com and .net domain name than to buy them later from another party. Your additional domains can use our free domain forwarding service to redirect them to your main website. 


The domain is for commercial purposes and is registered by businesses trading in Australia.

To be eligible for a domain name, registrants must be one or more of the following:

  • an Australian registered company; or
  • trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or
  • an Australian partnership or sole trader;
  • a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or
  • an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
  • an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark ; or
  • an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
  • an Australian commercial statutory body.

The domain names in the space must either be:

  • a) exactly match, acronym or abbreviation of the registrant’s company or trading name, organization or association name or trademark; or:
  • b) be otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant.

Additional Rules domains be at least 2 characters long;

b) contain only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (-), or a combination of these;

c) start and end with a number or a letter, not a hyphen; and

d) not contain hyphens in the third and fourth position (eg.

How many domains can I register

There are no restrictions on the number of Australian domain names that may be licensed by a registrant. A registrant must simply meet the eligibility requirements to be able to register domain names.

How do I prove that my business is eligible?

When you register online, you will be asked to provide either

  • ABN number - issued by the Australian Taxation Office.
  • ACN number - issued by Australian Securities and Investment Commission .
  • Trademark Number or Trademark Application Number issued by IP Australia and this must be an exact match to the domain name being registered.
  • Business Name Certificate Number issued by the Office of Fair Trading, in your State or Territory where your business is registered.

If you do not have an ABN or ACN choose "other"  and enter the appropriate trademark number or BN certificate number.


To be eligible for a domain name, registrants must be one or more of the following:

  • an Australian registered company; or
  • trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory; or
  • an Australian partnership or sole trader;
  • a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia; or
  • an owner of an Australian Registered Trade Mark; or
  • an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark ; or
  • an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
  • an Australian commercial statutory body.

The domain names in the space must either:

  • a) exactly match, acronym or abbreviation of the registrant’s company or trading name, organization or association name or trademark; or
  • b) be otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant.

Additional Rules domains be at least 2 characters long;

b) contain only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (-), or a combination of these;

c) start and end with a number or a letter, not a hyphen; and

d) not contain hyphens in the third and fourth position (eg.

How many domains can I register

There are no restriction on the number of Australian domain names that may be licensed by a registrant. A registrant must simply meet the eligibility requirements to be able to register domain names.

How do I prove that my business is eligible?

When you register online, you will be asked to provide either

  • ABN number - issued by the Australian Taxation Office.
  • ACN number - issued by Australian Securities and Investment Commission .
  • Trademark Number or Trademark Application Number issued by IP Australia and this must be an exact match to the domain name being registered.
  • Business Name Certificate Number issued by the Office of Fair Trading, in your State or Territory where your business is registered.

If you do not have an ABN or ACN choose "other"  and enter the appropriate trademark number or BN certificate number.


The domain is for incorporated non for profit organizations. You do not need an ABN to register a , but you do need to be an incorporated organization and you cannot be a commercial entity to register a domain. The only exception is where an unincorporated association appears on the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission’s (ACNC) Register of Charities.

Company's cannot register domains. Only Australian incorporated organisations can register domains.

To be eligible for a domain name, registrants must be generally be either:

  1. an Incorporated Association under State or Territory legislation;
  2. a Company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001(Cth)
  3. a Non-distributing co-operative registered under State or Territory legislation;
  4. an Indigenous Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006(Cth) and which appears on the Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations;
  5. a Registered Organisation that is:
    (a) an association of employers;
    (b) an association of employees (union); or
    (c) an enterprise association;
    registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009(Cth) and which appears on the Register of Organisations;
  6. a Charitable trust endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient;
  7. a Non-trading cooperative under State or Territory legislation;
  8. a Public or Private Ancillary Fund endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient;
  9. an unincorporated association that appears on the Register of Charities established under the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission Act 2012(Cth);
  10. a Political Party registered under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918(Cth) or State or Territory Electoral Act and which appears on the Register of Political Parties or as otherwise named; or
  11. Government, being either the Crown or a Commonwealth, State or Territory statutory agency.

The following kinds of organisations are new to this definition:

  • Indigenous corporations;
  • Co-operatives;
  • Registered state and territory political parties; and
  • Government, being either the Crown or a Commonwealth, State or Territory statutory agency.

If you do not fall into any of the above categories, you may still be able to register a if you are an unincorporated association and you appear on the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission’s (ACNC) Register of Charities.

Under the new licensing rules, a name must be:

(a) a match or synonym of the name of:

i. a service that the Person provides;
ii. a program that the Person administers;
iii. an event that the Person registers or sponsors;
iv. an activity that the Person facilitates, teaches or trains;
v. premises which the Person operates;
vi. an occupation that its members practise;

b) and which that Person is providing at the time of the application; or
c) a match of the Person’s legal name, business or statutory name or the name of the unincorporated association; or
d) a acronym of the Person’s legal name, business name, or statutory name; or
e) a match of the Person’s Australian Trade Mark; or
f) a match to the name of a trust of which the Person is a trustee.

Additional Rules domains be at least 2 characters long;

b) contain only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (-), or a combination of these;

c) start and end with a number or a letter, not a hyphen; and

d) not contain hyphens in the third and fourth position (eg.

How many domains can I register

There is no restriction on the number of domain names that may be licensed by a registrant. A registrant must simply meet the eligibility requirements to be able to register domain names.



The domain is for non-commercial organisations. You do not need an ABN to register a , you simply need to be an Australian organisation ie religious organisation, charity, student association, sports group, etc; you cannot be a commercial entity and register a domain. 

Registration of a domain without an ABN is at the discretion of the registrar. In a number of circumstances, it is understandable that applicants do not have an ABN or incorporation papers. Please submit your application online, with the name of your organisation, and an Australian address and when the system asks for an ABN or ACN choose "other" and enter "not required". If your application is not successful, you will be issued with a refund.

Company's cannot register domains. Only Australian organisations can register domains.

To be eligible for an domain name, registrants must be either;

  • an association incorporated in any Australian State or Territory; or
  • political party registered with the Australian Electoral Commission; or
  • a trade union or other organisation registered under the Workplace Relations Act 1996; or
  • a sporting or special interest club operating in Australia; or
  • a charity operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant’s constitution or other documents of incorporation; or
  • a non-profit organisation operating in Australia, as defined in the registrant’s constitution or other documents of incorporation.

If you do not fall into the above categories, you may still be able to register an domain.

Domain names in the domain space must

  • a) exactly match, acronym or abbreviation of the name of the registrant’s company or trading name, organization or association name or trademark; or
  • be otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant.


Additional Rules

(a) domains be at least 2 characters long; b) contain only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (-), or a combination of these; c) start and end with a number or a letter, not a hyphen; and not contain hyphens in the third and fourth position (eg.

How many domains can I register

There are no restrictions on the number of domain names that may be licensed by a registrant. A registrant must simply meet the eligibility requirements to be able to register domain names.



The is for individuals in Australia.

To be eligible for a domain name, registrants must be:

  • an Australian citizen; or an Australian resident.

Domain names in the  space must either be:

  • exactly match the registrant’s personal name; or
  • be an acronym or abbreviation of the registrant’s personal name; or
  • be otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant, because the domain name: (i) is derived from one or more words of the registrant's personal name; or (ii) includes one or more words of the registrant's personal name; or (iii) is a personal name by which the registrant is known.

Additional Rules domains be at least 2 characters long; b) contain only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) and hyphens (-), or a combination of these; c) start and end with a number or a letter, not a hyphen; and d) not contain hyphens in the third and fourth position (eg.

How many domains can I register

There are no restriction on the number of domain names that may be licensed by a registrant. A registrant must simply meet the eligibility requirements to be able to register domain names.

You do not need an ABN or ACN choose "other" and enter "not required".